Chaim I. Garfinkel


  • Agel, L., J. Cohen, M. Barlow, K. Pfeiffer, J. Francis, C.I. Garfinkel, D. Entekhabi. Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Continental US: Connections to Stratospheric Variations, Science Advances.

  • Zhang, X., J. Rao, C.I. Garfinkel, S-W Son, B. He, Y Liu. Identification and classification of cold air outbreaks in East Asia and possible stratospheric harbingers, JGR-Atmospheres

  • Ju, Z., J. Rao, C. I. Garfinkel, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, Q. Lu. Remote Impact of the QBO-MJO on Early Summer Precipitation in Eastern Asia: Model Evidence from CMIP6. Climate Dynamics

  • Wang, J., D.I.V. Domeisen, Garfinkel C.I., A. M. Jenney, H. Kim, Z. Wu, C. Zheng, and C. Stan. Prediction of MJO teleconnections in the UFS global fully coupled model. Climate Dynamics

  • Liu, S., T. Shaw, C. I. Garfinkel, Topography dominates the hemispheric asymmetry of Stratospheric Sudden Warmings. GRL

  • Keller, B., C. I. Garfinkel, E.P. Gerber, Disentangling Projected Stationary Wave Changes: Implications for Future Drying of the Mediterranean Region, J. Clim.

  • Knobler, S., G. Rilov, C. I. Garfinkel, D. Liberzon, Climate Change Impacts in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Trends and Extremes. Water Waves

  • Nevo D., O. Erez, C. I. Garfinkel, B. S. Okun, L. Novack, I. Kloog, R Raz, Modeling the Future Incidence of Preeclampsia under Climate Change and Population Growth Scenarios. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health.

  • Bartana H., C.I. Garfinkel, C. Schwartz, O. Shamir, J. Rao, Influence of Subtropical Jets on the Equatorial Wave Spectrum: implications for future changes in Kelvin waves and MJO variance, Climate Dynamics.

Accepted/In Press/2025










  • Shaw, T. A., M. Baldwin, E. A. Barnes, R. Caballero, C. I. Garfinkel, Y-T. Hwang, C. Li, P. A. O'Gorman, G. Riviere, I R. Simpson, and A. Voigt, 2016: Understanding storm tracks and their response to climate change , Nature Geosc, 9, 656-664, doi:10.1038/ngeo2783.

  • Harnik N., C.I. Garfinkel, and O. Lachmy, The Influence of Jet Regimes on Extreme Weather events, In 'Dynamics and Predictability of Large-Scale, High-Impact Weather and Climate Events'. Ed. Li, J., R. Swinbank, H. Volkert and R. Grotjahn. Cambridge University Press.








Other Items

  • My Ph.D. dissertation: Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupled Variability in the Wintertime Northern Hemisphere.

  • SPARC newsletter number 43 - July 2014, Report on the 5th SPARC General Assembly, 12-17 January 2014, Queenstown, New Zealand

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